Dark red background of security camera and a sign that says "Big data is watching you". On the front, large white text reads: "Digital Security 101". In the center, green monochrome image of a Free Palestine rally with the Palestinian flag. On top of that is white text that reads: "BIT.LY/18MR_DIGISEC", "WEDS, MAR 27 | 10-11:30AM PT / 1-2:30PM ET". Under that in green text: "STAY SAFE ONLINE WHILE TAKING ACTION! LEARN THE BASICS OF SECURING YOUR DEVICES, ACCOUNTS, AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM ATTACKS AND SURVEILLANCE." Under the green image is a green logo that says "Asians for Palestine", four green pixelated raised fists, and 18MR green logo.


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“CEASEFIRE NOW!” in big red letters, “bit.ly/asianpowerhour”, the link to RSVP in smaller red letters below, “November 7th, 12 PST / 3 PST” in bold black text with “A GATHERING TO CALL AND EMAIL CONGRESS TO DEMAND A CEASEFIRE” in smaller text below. The background is a blue sky with clouds, multiple kites are flying with the Palestinian flag design.


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Orange background with a hand drawn tiger with white belly, over a circle of South Asian lotus flower motifs, in orange and white. Under that, a bowl full of green leaves, red, and orange herbs. At the top, a purple box that says "Our Community is our Remedy" in white. Below, a dark green box that says in white, "DID YOU EAT YET?" Bottom right is a portrait of Jen Soriano, her left arm folded to hold her face, black short hair, with medium-fair skin, in a white blouse. Below that in dark green, says in white, "Jen Soriano".

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