What Do I Do Now? Next Steps And Police Alternatives

In the midst of powerful uprisings across the country in defense of Black lives lost to police murders and vigilante violence, the time to reimagine safety and practice solidarity is now. One way we can act today to stop killing Black people is to stop calling the police, and to make sure our loved ones stop too. We’ve asked our community to pledge to stop calling the cops, and created a support tool for you to use when talking to your family about this issue.

But we know the work does not stop there, nor is it that simple. This is an ongoing process of education, discussion, and action. It requires us to be thoughtful problem-solvers, engaging with big ideas and concrete actions. There’s no expectation that it’ll be perfect the first time – this is an adventure in reimagining the way we think about safety.

The 18MR team put together a list of resources for you. Whether you’re dealing with difficult “what ifs” about different kinds of crime or ready to jump in and start making your household or family safety plan, there’s a little bit of everything.

This list is an introduction to this work, and by no means a comprehensive list of resources. We know that this marks the beginning of a longer process of learning and unlearning. Our goal with this list is to help find alternative ways to keep ourselves and our families safe without calling the police.

How Can We Stay Safe Without the Police?

Use the resources below to make a safety plan and learn how to avoid calling the police. There are a lot of reasons people may think they need police. Safety plans are tools that map out different “what if” scenarios and emergencies, and identify what actions are needed to be safe.

You might also want to map your “pod,” or the group of people you call on in difficult situations to support you, and have intentional conversations with them about some of these materials.

How Does Policing Harm Us?

We’re told that the police are here to help us and keep us safe, but they actually make things worse. Use these resources to learn more about why activists and communities are seeking alternatives to policing.

Where Can I See More?

Want a movie to watch with your family? Try 13TH on Netflix. It explores the prison system in the U.S. and the nation’s history of racial injustice.

Don’t be a Bystander. Here are 6 tips for responding to racist attacks.

This TED Talk by Deanna Van Buren asks us: What would a world without prisons look like?

Active Campaigns

  • Graphic says "Asian Americans say no to Zionism and Islamophobia! - 70+ Asian American and allied organizations tell The Asian American Foundation: Drop Jonathan Greenblatt! The ADL is not an ally to Asian American communities, organizations, and movements."

    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia!

    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia! 70+ Asian American and allied organizations tell The Asian American Foundation: Drop Jonathan Greenblatt! The ADL is NOT AN ALLY to Asian American communities, organizations, and movements.
  • Duotone read and deep dark green image of protesters facing militarized police officers in the background. Main text reads: To District Attorney Jenkins: Drop the charges against the Bay Bridge 78! We are part of a long linesage of people who have used civil disobedience to help bend the arc of history towards justice - from the civil rights movement to the right against apartheid in South Africa. bit.ly/BayBridge78. 18MR's logo is on the bottom right corner.

    I was Arrested on the Bay Bridge

    I was arrested for demanding an end to genocide. We are part of a long lineage of people who have used civil disobedience to help bend the arc of history toward justice – from the Civil Rights Movement to the fight against apartheid in South Africa.  As a Filipino American organizer for racial justice, I’ve […]

    PARDON APSC4: Our beloved family APSC 4: Borey “Peejay” Ai, Nghiep “Ke” Lam, Chanthon Bun, and Maria Legarda are at risk of deportation. Tell Governor Newsom to pardon them NOW so they can remain home with their families and community. Here’s some things you can do!

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