Post Election Day, Whats Next?

Yesterday was the most important election in a generation. While ballots are counted, we probably won’t know the results for the next few days or possibly even longer. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from falsely declaring victory and demanding an end to ballot counting. Although this is a chaotic and stressful time, we want you to know: we’re not going anywhere.

If there are unclear results, evidence of election tampering, or if Trump refuses to step down from power despite clearly losing, we are here to offer you opportunities to take meaningful collective action.


We’ve partnered with Design Action Collective, a worker-owned cooperative dedicated to serving social justice movements with graphic design and web development, to bring you these downloadable protest graphics.

Unfortunately, a coup is possible. Here are 10 things that you need to know in order to respond and how you can get ready to stop one:


KEEP COUNTING EVERY VOTE. Trump is itching for a coup and has already falsely proclaimed victory when many states are still counting ballots. Every single vote must be counted. Voters determine elections, not wanna-be dictators. With our democracy on the line, we’re counting on you to ensure the U.S. election is fair and accurate. Tell your U.S. Governors and election officials: COUNT EVERY VOTE.


Our friend Deepa Iyer came up with a handy guide that can help you figure out where you fit in and what you can offer in this moment.

Nonviolent resistance is one of the most powerful forces to end dictatorship and advance democracy. The Hold The Line Guide maps out different election scenarios and how we can topple unjust systems.


If you take to the streets, make sure you read Stopping the Coup: The 2020 Guide to know how to effectively organize and do direct actions. This training also teaches you digital and video self defense. We care about your safety! Make sure you know how to identify threats and get secure.

Not everyone can march and protest and disability justice organizers share how we can get the work done without leaving anyone behind.


Your own health and wellbeing matters too. Here’s a care package of poems, meditations, films, and other cultural nutrients for times like this. Our friend Yumi Sakugawa offers guided meditations on a sliding scale from sitting with difficult emotions to mindfulness as a survival strategy. A list of tips on how to rest and recover while organizing. And, there’s the wisdom of our Indigenous relatives during elections.


This is an unpredictable and chaotic time. Use this Safety Checklist for November to make sure you and loved ones are prepared for the different election scenarios. And, here are quick ideas and questions to prep your safety plan.

We are in this together.

We have a long history of resistance where our ancestors decided their own futures by pushing for change. That history does not end today. At a time when we can so easily slip into hopelessness or resignation, banding together is more important than ever.

As we demand all votes are counted, we continue their legacy by organizing our communities and building a future where we can all thrive, beyond the ballot box. We know that this is just one moment in a longer timeline for liberation.

Like our ancestors, we too are changing a system that will resist us at all costs. And, like them we’re organizing for a world where Asian Americans and our loved ones can thrive, built by us, for us.

Will you support our work to stop a coup and hold the system accountable? Chip in $5, $15 or whatever you can.

Active Campaigns

  • Graphic says "Asian Americans say no to Zionism and Islamophobia! - 70+ Asian American and allied organizations tell The Asian American Foundation: Drop Jonathan Greenblatt! The ADL is not an ally to Asian American communities, organizations, and movements."

    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia!

    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia! 70+ Asian American and allied organizations tell The Asian American Foundation: Drop Jonathan Greenblatt! The ADL is NOT AN ALLY to Asian American communities, organizations, and movements.
  • Duotone read and deep dark green image of protesters facing militarized police officers in the background. Main text reads: To District Attorney Jenkins: Drop the charges against the Bay Bridge 78! We are part of a long linesage of people who have used civil disobedience to help bend the arc of history towards justice - from the civil rights movement to the right against apartheid in South Africa. 18MR's logo is on the bottom right corner.

    I was Arrested on the Bay Bridge

    I was arrested for demanding an end to genocide. We are part of a long lineage of people who have used civil disobedience to help bend the arc of history toward justice – from the Civil Rights Movement to the fight against apartheid in South Africa.  As a Filipino American organizer for racial justice, I’ve […]

    PARDON APSC4: Our beloved family APSC 4: Borey “Peejay” Ai, Nghiep “Ke” Lam, Chanthon Bun, and Maria Legarda are at risk of deportation. Tell Governor Newsom to pardon them NOW so they can remain home with their families and community. Here’s some things you can do!

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