APEC is a conference where the world’s elite meet with government leaders to create harmful economic policies and practices that exploit the working class, harm our environment, and solidifies the United States as an imperial power.

Biden is pushing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF) which champions free trade policies that exploit workers, drive down wages, destroy the environment, and plunder resources in order to pump up profits for big business.

IPEF would offshore jobs during an already severe unemployment crisis, sell our personal data to corporations and governments for surveillance and profit motives, deregulate price and product quality standards, and further erode democratic governance in countries throughout the Pacific.

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC) is coming to San Francisco and we say #NO2APEC

APEC’s goal is to establish major international trade deals, but in reality: they keep powerful nations powerful. The “global leaders” and businesses involved prioritize corporate profits over people’s needs while crafting agreements that will impact over 3 billion people around the world.

The same world leaders and corporations profiting from the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza are gathering at APEC to make agreements that further benefit their interests.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has supported Israel’s occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people. As a puppet for the United States, he has allowed the U.S to increase its military bases in the country [1]. The Philippines is also the third largest buyer of Israeli weapons [2].. In return, Israel is a labor receiving country of overseas Filipino workers [3]. 

With the 2024 Presidential elections coming up, Biden aims to fundraise for his own campaign at APEC amongst CEOs of Boeing, Chevron, & Exxon – all corporations profiting from the attack on Gaza [4]. Meanwhile, he is using our tax dollars to aid Israel, requesting $14 billion to be sent to Israel. $14 billion that could be used for education, healthcare, or infrastructure here in the US.

“This is the future of our lives that they are playing with.”

– Malaya Anakbayan CCSF

APEC has failed to address the increasing disparity between the wealthy and the poor. Instead, it has allowed governments and corporations to exploit people, land and resources.

Wherever APEC goes,
the people fight back!!





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    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia!

    Say NO to Zionism and Islamophobia! 70+ Asian American and allied organizations tell The Asian American Foundation: Drop Jonathan Greenblatt! The ADL is NOT AN ALLY to Asian American communities, organizations, and movements.
  • Duotone read and deep dark green image of protesters facing militarized police officers in the background. Main text reads: To District Attorney Jenkins: Drop the charges against the Bay Bridge 78! We are part of a long linesage of people who have used civil disobedience to help bend the arc of history towards justice - from the civil rights movement to the right against apartheid in South Africa. 18MR's logo is on the bottom right corner.

    I was Arrested on the Bay Bridge

    I was arrested for demanding an end to genocide. We are part of a long lineage of people who have used civil disobedience to help bend the arc of history toward justice – from the Civil Rights Movement to the fight against apartheid in South Africa.  As a Filipino American organizer for racial justice, I’ve […]

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