Over the past year, we’ve been fighting to preserve the cultural heart of Philly’s Asian American community – Philadelphia’s Chinatown. Whether you reside in Philadelphia or not, Chinatown has been home to a vibrant community of immigrants, low-income folks, students, and so much more.
But the proposal to build a 76 Place Arena would destroy this neighborhood and displace its residents. We must save Chinatown.
The city is hosting their second Civic Design Review meeting NEXT WEEK. This is the opportunity to share our opposition to the 76 Place Arena.
Take action now and tell them:
No Arena in Chinatown!
Displacement of our communities, immigrant communities, low-income communities, Black and brown communities, and so much more have always been a tool used to scatter our people and destroy our culture.
When they try to uproot our lives and our homes, we must fight back. We must save Chinatown.