
Purple sky with green blue blurry landscape photo of homes affected by the LA fires. At the top is a quote that reads, "“Mutual Aid is a direct challenge to the notion that human beings’ economic practice should be based on competition and individualism. The practice of Mutual Aid should further the project of defeating capitalism.” - J-Town Action & Solidarity " and in front of the image is a purple drawing of two people in a wholesome hug.
Gray purple and yellow background of a landscape of LA, with large fire clouds. In front, the header reads "Community Over Catastrophe". Under that, is the sub-header that reads, "community care, solidarity, and action in the face of the southern California fires" over gray boxes.
ID: Purple/blue graphic with green. Illustration of people wearing masks and holding a sign that reads Liberate. Text reads Asian American Momentum Training. April 7 to 11, 2025. bit.ly/AAMomentum2025 (case sensitive)